Not sending out messages! For the past two weeks it's not been sending out messages. It stays on a state where it looks like it's sending but nothing happens and no error message. It's used to communicate with our church members.
It's a good app and saves a lot of time. Only issue is text messages size is a little small and if you split a message between 2 text messages it sends the second message before the one that was created first. It should always send the first one created first.
Easy to navigate. Gets the job done.
great app
Great app
The layout of the app is beautiful and easy to navigate. The problem is with functionality. I was unable to send out any message of any kind. After I created a message to send I received an error message entitled, "error" and the message failed to send. Tech support responded very quickly to my request for help but they were unable to identify the problem. Beautiful app. No functionality.
This is one of the best multiplatform communications tools I have ever used. From business to Church it produces positive results and promotes communications within my group.
Awesome app, me and my brother use it all the time.
I use this app to keep my small group up to date. It's quick and easy to use!